Court will launch online case filing
Statewide model seen in project to start in spring
Some interesting quotes: "Advocates say e-filing is more efficient, because getting papers to the courthouse can be done from computers anywhere, and litigants and their lawyers can instantly access documents online - though some less-than-tech-savvy lawyers maintain it is a judicial plot to drive them crazy."
Note: Clients of "less-than-tech-savvy lawyers" should seriously consider finding new counsel.
"Everything will have to be filed that way. If it comes in on paper, we will scan it in. We cannot have two filing systems," Duckworth said. (Robert Duckworth, Clerk Of Court, Anne Arundel County Circuit Court)
Note: Mr. Duckworth understands that you can not have BOTH paper and electronic systems to file the same type of case. The benefits of efiling are minimized if the court needs to maintain 2 systems. Kudo's to Mr. Duckworth...he "get's it"!